Saturday, January 2, 2010

What our resolutions for?

Well, better late than never! I am posting this blog a litle late today, but have been doing a lot of thinking about New Year's resolutions. Everyone that I have talked to over the last few days somehow feels obligated to come up with at least one New Year's resolution. And it is this feeling of "having to" that I think really interferes with the sincerity and real intention of those resolutions. So, what are they for? Do they really help you in your goal setting for the year to come? And how long does the average person keep up with that intention? Anyway, I feel like it is all part of becoming so easily overwhelmed by concentrating on the bigger picture as opposed to focusing on what is right before us. Once again, I urge you to "think small", and feel empowered by knowing that it is the little things that we do that makes all the difference...

Have a good evening...

Take care, Ingrid

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